Study Abroad: 8 Reasons to Consider it

Rajashi Bajracharya Published June 16, 2024

Study Abroad: 8 Reasons to Consider it

Studying abroad has become a hot topic among today’s generation. Every student either after their +2 or their Bachelors dreams to go abroad for their studies. In fiscal year 2023/24, Over 100,000 students left Nepal to study abroad. Not just in Nepal, but the trend of studying abroad is seen globally. Studying abroad is a transformative journey, and you can see it as an opportunity to grow and get yourself a better quality of education, facilities, and many more. Regardless of your goals, financial situation, or area of study, studying overseas needs to be a part of your education as it will open your eyes to new ideas, teach you how to interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures, and improve your language skills. 

Confused about Whether to Study Abroad or in your Home Country?

This blog will look into eight convincing arguments for studying abroad that may make it the smartest choice you've taken so far if you're considering broadening your horizons and venturing outside your comfort zone.


1. Personal Growth/ Self- dependent

Moving abroad for your further studies is scarier as well as a life-changing experience. And if you dare to take the challenge of stepping out of your comfort zone, that may be your best decision ever. You will be living by yourself so you’ll develop independence, resilience, and problem-solving skills as you take up new challenges. This experience will help you foster your personal development, character, and confidence, converting you into a more mature, well-rounded individual who knows how life works. 


2. Global Networking

In today’s world, Networking is a powerful tool in both personal and professional development. Engaging in networking activities while studying abroad gives you an excellent opportunity to explore a diverse range of ideas and perspectives. It helps you connect and create meaningful connections with individuals around the globe, broadening your perspective and opening doors to multiple personal and professional opportunities. Also building a network during your study abroad has long-lasting benefits even after you return to your home country. You may create a global network that will improve your life, help you achieve your professional goals, and cultivate an international perspective that will be useful in a world that is becoming more connected.  During your study abroad experience, Engage yourself with potential global networking to open up tons of opportunities.


3. Quality Education

Studying abroad will provide you with an exceptional educational opportunity. You can expand your academic horizons and gain knowledge from some of the world's top educators by enrolling as an international student. A significant number of the universities with the highest rankings in the world are found in the USA, UK, and Australia. The university and the course of study will determine how different the methods are from your usual ones, you will experience a new way of teaching and learning. While it may seem challenging at first, this will help you learn new things and cultivate professional abilities that are in high demand by businesses across the globe. To mention a few, these include analytical abilities, problem-solving techniques, leadership, teamwork, and time management.


4. Enhanced Career Opportunity

Studying abroad can open doors to various professional opportunities. Access to international job markets through networking with professionals and peers from other countries. Getting an international degree and work experience might make a big difference to your CV. Candidates with foreign experience are highly valued by employers since they show flexibility, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to adapt to a variety of situations. Studying abroad can help you acquire abilities that are valued by all employers. Developing skills like resourcefulness, adaptability,  and resilience will give you an advantage in any job market. Also, a lot of study abroad programs include alumni networks with options for career counseling, career enhancement, and future collaboration. 


5. International travel

You will have the opportunity to encounter a variety of different locations, people, and activities when you study abroad. During your breaks from classes or on the weekends, you can go on an exciting adventure or visit famous locations in the same country or nearby. You will be able to visit many new places, learn about the local customs, and get the chance to engage with the locals in addition to creating numerous memories with your new friends. It provides an opportunity to travel and encounter a wider range of cultures, which is immensely fascinating and educational. Traveling to different regions of the world will also have a significant impact on your personality and perspective, as well as help you get ready for living in a competitive world. 


6. Learn New Language

One of the benefits of studying abroad is that it offers a fun experience of learning a new language or even if you know the second language it's a great opportunity to polish your language by speaking directly with natives. Studying and living in a different country will force you to speak a second language and help you pick up their accents and can speak fluently like the natives. Being able to speak a second language fluently is a valuable skill in most career options. 

7. Experience New Culture

Studying overseas offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new country and gain knowledge of various local customs and traditions. One of the most beautiful aspects of studying abroad is the chance it will give you to fully immerse yourself in a culture that is entirely different from your own. This fascinating moment will provide you with fresh insights and ideas. In addition to encountering different foods and locations, you will get to hear traditional music and do a lot of other things. Additionally, you might teach someone else about your own culture. It's a beautiful thing to see your culture from someone else's perspective. You might discover a lot about your nation and yourself during that process as well. 


8. Discover New Interest

You may discover new hobbies as a result of being exposed to various cultures and lifestyles. You might work part-time in a foreign nation to make up your income, depending on the terms of your visa. This might be somewhere you can get employment, such as a restaurant, bakery, nursing home, and so on. You may develop a new interest in baking, cooking, or other activities by taking on a part-time job. Working part-time may help you meet new people and discover new interests. 


Made up your mind to Study Oversees?

Studying overseas offers numerous advantages that go well beyond academics, making it an investment in your future. The experiences and abilities you pick up will benefit you for the rest of your life, from broadening your horizons and boosting your education to honing your language abilities and creating enduring friendships and networks. Take the risk and start an adventure that will mold your academic and career path in ways you never would have thought possible if you were thinking about studying abroad. If you have made up your mind to Study Abroad then you can check out EduNetworkPro  to start your journey today.